Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources in Bend, Oregon
There are many drug and alcohol resources in Bend, OR. The road to recovery from addiction is a long one, but a rehab facility such as Northpoint Recovery ensures that you never walk alone. Addiction is a disease, and rehab is the most effective and safest treatment for addiction. You don't deserve to suffer endlessly with drug or alcohol dependence, and you should know that addiction is not your fault. What you choose to do about your addiction, though, can change the course of your life.
Rehab isn't the right choice for everyone. Maybe you need time to save money for treatment, or perhaps you're independent-minded and want to try to go it alone. Some addicts want some extra support as they pursue treatment, or need assistance after checking out of rehab. Support groups located near your home can help you achieve lasting sobriety.
Bend Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a century old, and remains the most popular and effective recovery program available for people who want to go it alone. The program relies on 12 steps in Bend, Oregon. By working these steps, you'll begin to put the pieces of your life back together by making amends, taking responsibility, and setting healthy goals. Even better, there are AA meetings every day, and you can attend a meeting without paying, without giving away any personal information, and without scheduling an appointment.
List of AA Meetings in Bend, OR
You can find several Bend AA meetings in the local area. They include:
Sunday Morning Serenity Group
10amSons of Norway
549 NW Harmon Blvd.
Bend, OR
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New Beginnings Lunch Bunch Group
12pmCentral Oregon Fellowship Hall
755 NE 3rd St.
Bend, OR
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Sober Design Group
7pmFoundry Church
60 NW Oregon Ave.
Bend, OR
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Attitude Adjustment Group
7amTrinity Episcopal Church
469 NW Wall St.
Bend, OR
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Eastside Early Risers Group
7amEastmont Church
62425 Eagle Rd.
Bend, OR
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We are Not a Glum Lot Group
12pmDiscovery Christian Church
334 NW Newport Ave.
Bend, OR
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Safe Harbor Group
5:30pmFirst Methodist Church
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR
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Chicks with Chips Group
5:30pmBend Church of the Nazarene
1270 NE 27th St.
Bend, OR
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Rule 62 Group
7:30pmBend First Presbyterian Church
230 NE 9th St.
Bend, OR
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Men's Book Study Group
7pmFirst Presbyterian Church
230 NE 9th St.
Bend, OR
Salty Bunch Group
7pmChurch of Christ
554 NW Newport Ave.
Bend, OR
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As Men See it Group
7pmNativity Lutheran Church
60850 Brosterhous Rd.
Bend, OR
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Bend NA Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous relies on a similar model to AA, encouraging participants to work the steps and maintain permanent sobriety. While the group caters to addicts of all drugs, including heroin, cocaine, meth, and crack, it also offers groups designed to help addicts with specific addictions, such as marijuana and cocaine.
Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in the Bend, Oregon Area
Drug addicts can find help and support through NA meetings in Bend. Here is a list for your reference:
Bend Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings
Family members and friends suffer immensely when a loved one becomes addicted. They may spend months trying to convince the addict to seek treatment. Addiction sparks a roller coaster of relapse, lies, family conflict, and victimization. Many friends and family of addicts have been stolen from or lied to.
Al-Anon and Nar-Anon help loved ones learn to let go, focus on their own needs, and move past the pain of a loved one's addiction. These two organizations also offer companion programs, Alateen and Narateen, for teenagers affected by a family member's addiction.
Local Al-Anon Meetings in Bend, Oregon
The following is a list of Bend Al-Anon meetings for your reference.
Sunday Evening Group AFG
Sundays at 5:30pm
Bend First United Methodist Church
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR
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Bend Young Adults AFG
Mondays at 7pm
Cascade Crest Traditions
888 NW Hill St. Ste 1
Bend, OR
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Living in the Solution AFG
Tuesdays at 6pm
Real Life Christian Church
2880 NE 27th St.
Bend, OR
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Wednesday Noon AFG
Wednesdays at 12pm
Bend Church
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR
Discovering Choices AFG
Thursdays at 5:30pm
Nativity Lutheran Church
60850 Brosterhous Rd.
Bend, OR
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Brown Baggers AFG
Fridays at 12pm
First United Methodist Church
680 NW Bond St.
Bend, OR
Saturday Morning Speaker Meeting AFG
Saturdays at 8:30am
Trinity Episcopal Church
469 NW Wall St.
Bend, OR
There are several Nar-Anon meetings in the Bend, OR area. Among them are:
Hope, Healing & Serenity
Mondays at 7pm
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
1465 Coburg Rd.
Eugene, OR
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Serenity Station
Wednesdays at 12:30pm
Springfield Lutheran Church
1542 I St.
Springfield, OR
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Friday Night Nar-Anon
Fridays at 6pm
Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine
2537 Game Farm Rd.
Springfield, OR
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Bend Drug Support Groups
Though the NA model is popular and effective, it doesn't work for everyone. Of particular concern to some people is the program's emphasis on a "higher power." Some groups also meet in churches or pray. For some addicts, the 12 steps feel like dogma, while others simply want a supplement to the help they get from NA. If you prefer an alternative support group, consider a Smart Recovery program: Smart Recovery Meetings.
What to do if You Need Addiction Treatment in Bend, Oregon
It's possible that going to a support group isn't enough for you at this point in your recovery. This is actually true for most people who are new to quitting their use of drugs or alcohol. If you need professional help, it's important to get what you need to recover. We can help you determine exactly what that means for you here at Northpoint Recovery.
You may find that you need inpatient treatment. If you do, we can assist you with that right here in our facility. If you would prefer to be treated on an outpatient basis, we can provide you with a referral. You'll find that we have a strong commitment to getting you the help you need, regardless of what it is.
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Have you tried to quit using drugs or alcohol for a long time without success? If you have, it may be time to take a different approach to your recovery. Contact us today and let's talk about the different options that are available to you.

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Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.
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