Great Falls, Montana: Drug and Alcohol Treatment Resources
Great Falls is home to a small population of rugged individualists, but even the strong residents of this Montana town aren't immune to the draw of drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction is a disease, not a choice, and even the most fiercely independent people are vulnerable to its draw. Rehab is the most effective and comprehensive treatment option for addiction. A place like Northpoint Recovery can teach you the skills you need to remain sober in the long-run.
Rehab isn't the only path to sobriety, though. Millions of addicts have gotten clean with the assistance of various support groups. Even people who complete rehab frequently seek the assistance of support groups
Great Falls AA Meetings
Founded and developed by a recovering alcoholic, Alcoholics Anonymous is far and away the most popular and successful recovery program in the world. The program is built around 12 steps that help addicts get clean, take accountability for their behavior, and make amends to those they have hurt. Meetings are free, though regular attendees are encouraged to make donations if they can afford to do so. Meetings are available throughout the week. To find an Alcoholics Anonymous group near you, click here.
Great Falls NA Meetings
Narcotics Anonymous uses a model that's virtually identical to the AA model, but aims to treat drug addiction. NA also sponsors drug-specific programs such as Marijuana Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous. You can find a local NA meeting by clicking here.
Great Falls Al-Anon and Nar-Anon Meetings
Addiction is about more than just the addict. Oftentimes, an entire family is affected by a single person's decision to abuse drugs or alcohol. Loved ones may be desperate to get an addict help, but the truth is, you can't force someone into recovery. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon work to help people who love addicts protect themselves. Through the program, you'll learn how to set clear boundaries and live your life whether or not the addict you love opts to pursue sobriety.
Through Al-Anon and Nar-Anon, the two spin-off programs Alateen and Narateen arose to work to help teenagers who have a loved one struggling with the disease of addiction.
You can find a Nar-Anon family group near your home by following this link.
Great Falls Drug Support Groups
Just as addicts are unique, so too are support groups, and no model can work for everyone. NA asks participants to place their faith in a “higher power,” which makes some non-religious people uncomfortable. Other participants simply prefer a different model, or want something to supplement their weekly NA meetings. SMART Recovery offers an alternative model focused on rational thought.
Reasons to Seek Help for Addiction
Although you are not responsible for your addiction, you are responsible for seeking help. The way you choose to cope with your addiction – either by denying it or confronting it head-on – will have long-lasting ramifications for your life and well-being. Now is always the best time to seek help, but denial is powerful. It convinces you you're not an addict, even when it's abundantly clear to everyone else that you are.
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