What It Means for An Addiction Treatment Center to Be Accredited By the Joint Commission
Accreditation is an extra step that a drug detox or alcohol detox center will take to insure high quality of care of their patients. It's a higher standard than what's expected in the business and a symbol of excellence.
Accreditation is different than state licensing; it's an extra set of guidelines to follow and shows a deep commitment to quality. State licensing may be thought of as the minimum requirements to open the business in the state; but accreditation may be accepted by the state to fulfill some of the requirements to be licensed.
There are two accrediting bodies for health care facilities: The JCAHO and the CARF. The JCAHO is called The Joint Commission, and this nonprofit organization is the nation's largest accreditor of health care services for more than 100 different medical specialties. The CARF is the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, and is a nonprofit organization also, and the largest accreditor for addiction treatment programs.
Northpoint Recovery recently received full accreditation from The Joint Commission in July 2015. The full accreditation is called The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval™. In a national survey of drug detox and alcohol detox centers, less than 20% were accredited by The Joint Commission, about 22% were accredited by the CARF, and close to 57% had no accreditation status at all.
What It Takes To Be Accredited with JCAHO
To meet accreditation status, Northpoint Recovery in Boise, Idaho had to undergo intense scrutiny of all their policies and procedures in how patients such as you are treated.
Also under intense investigation was how the employees and medical staff are recruited, selected and trained, as well as the management of the drug and alcohol treatment center. The facility itself was examined so that any structural issues with the building and equipment used were addressed, and the buildings are all up to code.
Idaho's Northpoint Recovery called in extra consultants to prepare as much as possible for the accreditation inspections. The Joint Commission consultants then worked with Northpoint Recovery to fine tune all the details in order to receive the accreditation status.
Why You Should Choose a Drug/Alcohol Treatment Center in Boise Idaho Accredited by JCAHO
Committing to be excellent means putting in all the extra work to be excellent. When a drug detox or alcohol detox treatment center is accredited, they choose to be among the best in the nation. They choose to go the extra mile for you when you are treated for alcohol rehab or drug rehab.
This matters a lot because there are cases where drug rehab or alcohol rehab in Idaho and other states becomes fatal. In these severe cases, having qualified medical staff on duty 24/7 who are there to notice things are not going down the right path and do something about it can be life-saving.
Northpoint Recovery (Drug and Alcohol Treatment), accredited by the JCAHO, has essentially taken a vow to help you and go beyond the usual and standard measures to do so. When you check in at Northpoint Recovery, it's like having a completely trained medical staff who are also Good Samaritans. They treat you as someone who has a purpose in life and has a lot of value. They go the extra mile to make sure you come out of recovery with success.
At Northpoint Recovery in Boise, it means a lot to them to get The Joint Commission accreditation – and keep it.
Why Being An Accredited Addiction Treatment Center is Important
The Joint Commission accreditation offers benefits to Northpoint Recovery and other facilities that get accredited. These benefits are transferred to you as a patient.
Here's a list of three of those benefits:
Accreditations help Boise, Idaho drug and alcohol treatment centers, such as Northpoint Recovery, reduce the risk of error in clinical practice.
We all hear of errors in healthcare delivery that lead to serious issues later in life. Accreditation gives you the confidence that at Northpoint Recovery, you won't have to watch for errors in everything the staff does.
Have you ever noticed at some healthcare facilities, you need a family member there at the facility to oversee everything that occurs? This is because the facility has not gone the extra mile to streamline ways to reduce errors into their employee policies and procedures. Having a family member in one of these healthcare facilities is a constant emotional roller coaster ride filled with frustration and sometimes anger. Accreditation reduces the chances drastically of a situation like this ever occurring.
Help staff develop their skills and knowledge, and work together.
Have you ever noticed that at some facilities the professionalism of the staff is lacking and the staff does not work together? When a facility is accredited, this doesn't happen because the staff are working together for a common goal – your health and success of the drug and alcohol detox treatment program. They learn to put aside personality differences in order to get work done.
Accreditation allows Idaho drug detox / alcohol detox treatment center to get better reimbursement from insurance companies.
When the chances of getting better reimbursement are increased, you end up paying less for your drug and alcohol rehab. This means the chances of having to take out a second mortgage on a house are reduced (what a relief!).
How This Helps You After Alcohol/Drug Treatment in Idaho is Finished
When a drug and alcohol detox facility stands for excellence, that excellence is felt on all levels when you are a patient at the facility. In the Idaho alcohol and drug rehab programs at Northpoint Recovery, the excellence transfers to you and is carried with you well after your treatment in Boise is finished. You want to continue your excellent progress, and the thought of relapse is minimized.

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