Emmett, Idaho Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Resources and Information
There are many mental health and addiction recovery resources located in Emmett, Idaho. People can choose to attend support groups, 12-Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. They can also opt to get professional treatment. What matters most is for people to find what will work for them.
At Northpoint Recovery, we offer excellent substance abuse and mental health treatment programs. But we know that not everyone can access our services. We wanted to create this page as a guide to help people find the right resources in Emmett that can help them.
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Help
Emmett, Idaho may seem like a small, quaint, close-knit community of people to the casual onlooker, but the fact is that there are addiction problems in Emmett, just like there are elsewhere in the State of Idaho. Many people continue to suffer with their addictions without realizing there’s anything they can do to get help. They may be afraid to let others know or fear being judged for what they have done. In a small community, it often seems like everyone knows all the details of your life, but private and confidential help can be found. For those who have a loved one suffering from addiction, they need a place to go for support and education.
The good news is that help is available for those who want to recover from addiction. There are a lot of free resources available to you, right in Emmett even though you may not be aware they exist.
Get Addiction Help Today
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most well-known addiction support groups in the country. This program has helped thousands of people overcome their addictions to alcohol. AA has been around since the 1930s, allowing people who are recovering alcoholics to support each other and work together to overcome this battle. You’ve probably seen TV shows depicting what AA is supposed to look like with everyone sitting in a circle, saying “Hello, my name is … and I’m an alcoholic.” While there are group discussions, there is much more to AA. Each group chooses its own format, so if one group doesn’t suit you, visit another one.
Besides the group discussion, you can find study meetings where participants study the Big Book or one step of the 12 steps. Some groups have special speakers to talk about alcoholism. They may feature monthly birthday celebrations for those who have been sober a certain length of time or potluck dinners on a monthly basis to help you develop friendships with others who are going through the same experience.
You don’t have to feel alone in your addiction. You can find a group that fits your personality and makes you feel comfortable as you work to overcome the battle with alcoholism.
Some of the meetings in Emmett and surrounding communities for AA include the following:
10:30 AM
Puttin Sober
Dale’s Shop
2699 W. Sales Yard Rd.
Emmett, ID
This is an open meeting that anyone can attend. Smoking is permitted.
6:00 PM
Week-end Warriors
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 S. McKinley Ave
Emmett, ID
This is another open meeting.
8:00 PM
Emmett Group
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 S. McKinley Ave
Emmett, ID
This is an open meeting. McKinley Ave. is located right off Main Street, making it easy to find. There are several restaurants along nearby streets where you can grab a bite to eat before the meeting or afterwards.
This is the only group that meets through the week. The meeting is at 8:00 PM each night Monday through Friday.
Brown Bag
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 S. McKinley Ave
Emmett, ID
This is an open meeting where you can bring your lunch and eat during the discussion. It’s a good option for people who have to work all day and take care of family at night.
7:00 PM
Week-end Warriors
Gem County Recovery Community Center
115 S. McKinley Ave
Emmett, ID
This is another open meeting.
Meeting times and days may change, but you can visit the website for the AA groups in this area and find the latest information. If you drive or have access to public transportation, you can find many other meetings around the Boise area that work with your schedule.
Narcotics Anonymous is an excellent support group program for those who suffer from drug addiction. It is similar to AA and was started with the same principles. The formats are similar to AA, but each group operates independently of the others. They can choose which format is right for the members.
There is one NA meeting in Emmett.
8:00 PM
Gem County Jail
410 East 1St. St.
Emmett, ID 83617
This group also meets at the same time on Friday evenings. You can call (800) 407-7195 to find out more about the meeting.
While there is only one NA group to meet in Emmett, several nearby communities have groups where you can go. Many of them are in close proximity to public transportation.
8:00 PM
Gateway Crossing Apartments
211 North Gateway Street
Nampa ID 83687
This is an open meeting.
6:30 PM
United Methodist Church
235 East Pine Avenue
Meridian, ID 83642
This is an open group which uses a step study and tradition study.
8:00 PM
Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
6200 Garrett Street
Garden City, ID 83714
This is an open meeting which uses the discussion and group participation format. They also have a candlelight meeting.
8:00 PM
Hillview Methodist Church
8525 Ustick Road
Boise, ID 83704
This is an open meeting.
7:00 PM
Gateway Crossing Apartments
211 North Gateway Street
Nampa, ID 83687
This is an open meeting for women. The group uses the discussion and participation format.
7:00 PM
United Methodist Church
235 East Pine Avenue
Meridian ID 83642-2332
This is an open meeting.
7:00 PM
Caldwell Christian Center
220 N. 6th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
This is an open meeting with a discussion and participation format. On the second Saturday of the month, there is a speaker and potluck dinner.
Meeting times and groups may change, but you can go online to find out the latest information.
Al-Anon meetings offer help and support for families of those with addictions, or who are in recovery. The program was started by the wives of the founders of AA. The group was meant to help those who love someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. The person also learns how to help their loved one and take care of themselves. If you have a loved one who suffers from addiction, you should look for support and encouragement.
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Early Birds
Alano Club
3820 Cassia
Boise, ID
Contact: Janette: 208-631-9192
Debby S: 208-338-8936
The meeting is in the basement of the building.
11:00 AM Â Â - 12:15 PM
Improve Our Conscious
Literature Center Complex
1111 S. Orchard St., Door 2 Room 112A
Boise, ID
Contact: Tina N: 208-629-9415
Helen Z. 208-631-2090
Use entry door two to get to the meeting room.
7:00 PM - Â 8:00 PM
Keep It Simple Sun AFG
Ada County Services building
40 W. Franklin
Meridian ID
Contact: Dawn: 208-440-1519
Paul S: 208-697-3628
Monday and Wednesday Noon
Southminster Presbyterian Church
6500 Overland Rd.
Boise ID
This group meets twice a week on the second floor of the church.
12:00 PM
Monday CAL Solutions
First Presbyterian Church 950 W. State St.
Boise ID
Use the metal stairs that come from the alley to find the correct room. This group doesn’t meet on holidays.
8:00 PM
Steps to Serenity
First Congregational Church
2201 Woodlawn Ave.
Boise ID
The meeting is held in the basement of the church in room 6.
Tuesday and Friday Downtown
First Presbyterian Church
950 W. State St.
Boise ID
This group meets twice a week. AA has a meeting right across the hall at the same time. Take the metal stairs off the alley to get to the right location.
5:30 PM
Tuesday Night Women’s Al-Anon
First Congregational Church
2201 Woodlawn Ave.
Boise ID
This is a women’s support group, and its kid-friendly so you don’t need to worry about finding childcare.
Tuesday Night Adult Children
St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral
518 N. 8th St.
Boise ID
The meeting is held in the Bishop Tuttle House. Use the side door of the church to get to the correct meeting place.
10:00 AM
The 3 Legacy’s Writing for Serenity
PEER Wellness Center
963 S. Orchard Rd.
Suite 101
Boise ID
Wednesday Night Collister
Collister United Methodist Church
4400 Taft St.
Boise ID
This group meets in the main building. Children over the age of 13 are welcome to attend.
12:00 PM
Noon Newcomer
Literature Center Complex
1111 S. Orchard St. Door 2 Room 112A
Boise ID
This is an open meeting designed for newcomers. Use the entry door 2 to get to the center.
6:00 PM
Thursday Men’s
Five Mile Church of the Nazarene
2701 S. Five Mile Rd.
Boise ID
This group meets in the Annex Building. There are speakers on the second Thursday of the month in March, June, September and December. While the group is for men, the speaker meetings are open to women as well.
7:00 PM
Thursday Night Friends
Tree City Church
3852 N. Eagle Rd.
Boise ID
This group meets in the main floor chapel.
Contact: Bob C – 208-891-2992
Michelle – 208-412-5050
7:00 PM
Friday Night Fireside Group
St. Stephens Episcopal Church
2206 N. Cole Rd.
Boise. ID
The first Friday of the month is a speaker meeting.
Contact – Amy C – 208-932-3928
8:00 AM
Saturday Eagle Step Study
Eagle United Methodist Church
651 N. Eagle Rd.
Eagle, ID
This group is open with a focus on studying the 12 steps.
9:00 AM
Saturday’s Serenity
Five Mile Church of the Nazarene
2701 S. Five Mile Rd.
Boise ID
This group meets in the main building and childcare is provided.
10:00 AM
Saturday Morning Spiritual
Our Lady of the Rosary Church
1500 E. Wright St.
Boise ID
This is a 1-1/2-hour meeting. Use the entrance at the far left of the church.
These meetings times are subject to change. To find out the latest times and information.

Alateen Meetings Near Emmett, ID
Alateen meetings provide help and comfort to children and teenagers whose family members are struggling with addiction. These groups are often included with Al-Anon, but they may also be separate.
Even though there are no Alateen groups in the Emmett area, teens are welcome to attend Al-Anon meetings. They can also find support online through the Alateen website.
Read The Latest Recovery News and Stories
Read great recovery stories, learn about the latest treatments, and find out how addiction affects yourself and your loved ones in our blog.
Read Our BlogOnline Support Groups
Online support groups allow people to connect with others in recovery online. They are ideal for people who don’t have time to attend regular meetings or want to keep their situation private. These online groups can also be used in conjunction with other meetings. A person may need support when no meeting nearby is in session. Some online groups even connect you with a mentor who can help with ongoing recovery.
AA, NA, Al-Anon and Alateen all have online support through groups, chat and other resources. You can find books and articles that will help you understand about addiction and inspire you to work towards sobriety.
SMART Recovery for Self-managed Recovery Training
SMART Recovery is another program which is similar in some ways to AA or NA. However, it uses a slightly different approach. Instead of focusing on 12 steps, it uses four steps for recovery. It also focuses on empowering the individual to overcome addiction. It does follow the idea of regular meetings where recovering addicts can get together for education and support.
This program is newer and many people haven’t heard about it. However, it’s gaining popularity as it becomes successful in helping users overcome addiction. The focus is on finding motivation to change an addict’s behavior while giving them the encouragement and tools to accomplish their goals. It teaches them how to not act on their urges but to manage life in a safe way while creating a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
The meetings are free to attend, and there are resources on the website to help addicts when they aren’t at meetings. The focus is on the future rather than dredging up the past.
There are a few SMART Recovery meetings in the Emmett area, located in Boise.
5:30 to 7:00 PM
PEER Wellness Center
5371 W. Franklin Rd
Boise ID 83705
This is a public meeting open to anyone. It is a standard group which gives you a good idea of what SMART Recovery is all about. Family and friends are invited to come along.
The main contact for this group is Monica Forbes at (208) 991-3681.
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Five Mile Church of the Nazarene
2701 S. Five Mile Rd.
Boise ID 83709
This meeting is public and held in the South building. It follows a discussion format, which means everyone gets to participate.
SMART Recovery may not be right for everyone, but it’s another tool you can use to help you deal with your drug abuse and addiction.
Emmett, ID Mental Health Resources
There are several mental health resources that can help people who need their services in Emmett, Idaho. Options include support groups and community and government programs.
- The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare offers mental health services for adults and children. Call 1-800-424-0297.
- The Gem County Recovery Community Center offers referrals and mental health services to people who live in Emmett. Their phone number is (208) 391-5151.
- The Gem County Health Department can provide people without insurance access to mental health services and referrals.
- The Valley Family Health Care Clinic offers referrals and mental health services to people with low incomes or who do not have health insurance.
- Idaho 211 is a free service that can connect people with mental health resources in their areas. Call 211 from any phone.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached by calling 1-800-273-8255 at any time of the day or night.
The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline offers both texting and phone crisis intervention services. Call or text (208) 398-4357.
- Compassionate Friends offers emotional and peer support to families who have lost a child. Call 1-877-969-0010.
- The Focus Group for Women is a support group just for women that helps with communication and conflict resolution. Call (208) 597-7655 to learn more.
- Anger Management Classes are available at the AMEND Center on Mondays at 7:15 pm and on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm. Call (208) 665-2432.
- Co-dependents Anonymous meets on Mondays at 6:30 pm at the Post Falls Church of the Nazarene. Call (509) 590-6055.
- The Domestic Violence Support Group meets on Mondays at 7:00 pm and on Tuesdays at 9:00 am at the Women’s Center. Call (208) 664-9303.
What to Do for Drug Overdose in Emmett?
A drug overdose or alcohol poisoning can be a serious situation. It’s critical that you get help right away if someone has overdosed. It can be difficult to recognize when someone has overdosed rather than just getting high at first. However, the situation will worsen unless the person receives medical attention. It’s important to know what to do in these cases.
The first step is to try to call for emergency medical help if possible. Try to identify the drug the person has overdosed on because it may impact how medical personnel treat the person. If you have a loved one or friend who is abusing drugs or drinks excessively, you need to know the local resources available for an overdose situation.
What to Do in an Overdose Situation?
The actions you take when you realize someone is overdosing could save the person’s life. Even before medical help arrives, you can take the right steps to help them.
It can be difficult to identify a heroin overdose because the drug is often mixed with other substances. Symptoms also vary depending on how much was consumed. Some signs of a heroin overdose include the following:
- A blue tint to the nails or lips
- Weak pulse
- Shallow breathing
- Disoriented
- Extreme drowsiness
- Pinpoint pupils
The person may lose consciousness for short periods or go into a coma.
Don’t wait to see if the person will get better on their own. Call 911 immediately. Try to give them as much information as possible, such as the location where the person is, how much heroin has been ingested and when, and whether they are breathing. If you have naloxone on hand, give it right away. Otherwise, medical workers will likely give it to help stop the effects of the overdose.
Cocaine is a popular drug in some circles, and it acts as a stimulant to give the user more energy. While it’s most often used as a powder, it also comes in a rock form called crack which is smoked and is the most potent version. The appeal of this drug is in its effects, which include euphoria and more energy. A person who is naturally shy and awkward in social situations can become outgoing, which is why you’ll often find it in clubs and at parties.
When cocaine is taken in high doses, it can cause the system to be overstimulated. The heart rate may increase and the body temperature may go up, which could cause some systems to fail. The body or the brain may shut down, leading to death.
Signs of an overdose of cocaine may include the following:
- Dangerously high blood pressure
- High body temperature
- Irregular heart rate
- Severe confusion or anxiety
- Nausea
- Psychosis
- Agitation
- Tremors
These symptoms often occur first, followed by a heart attack, seizure or stroke. It’s essential to call for help right away. Once help is on the way, you can do a few things to assist the person. First, put a cold compress on them to help lower the body temperature. Then, move all objects away from them in case they have a seizure. Stay with them until help arrives.
People often take prescription medications for an existing medical condition. However, some of these drugs are addictive, especially when it comes to painkillers or anti-anxiety meds. A person may take more of the drug than what was prescribed because it doesn’t seem to be working like it did at first.
If they continue increasing the dosage or taking it more frequently than what is prescribed, it can lead to addiction. One of the biggest dangers for prescription drug addiction is people often think the medication is safe because it’s prescribed by a doctor. What they don’t realize is the amount to overdose is often only a small increase from the prescribed dosage. It’s easier to overdose on prescription medications than you might think. In fact, it can happen if you take just one extra dose because you forgot you already had one or because they pain won’t stop.
What happens when a person overdoses on a prescription drug will depend on what drug they were taking. However, you can look for some general indications such as the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Extreme sleepiness
- Confusion
- Rambling speech
- Depression
- Euphoria
- Changes in body temperature
- Stupor
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal or chest pain
- Hallucinations
- Thoughts of suicide
- Rapid heartbeat
- Changes in breathing
- Convulsions
If you suspect overdose of a prescription drug, call for emergency help right away. Ask the person what they were taking or look around if they were unresponsive to see what you can find. The medical team can provide the proper treatment if they know what drug has led to the overdose. They may administer medications which counteract the effects of the drug or pump the stomach to get rid of the contents.
Overdosing on any drug is dangerous and can be fatal. If a loved one has overdosed, get help right away and provide as much information about the situation as you can. It could be a matter of life or death.

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Resources in Emmett for Someone with a Drug Addiction and Their Family
Many people are surprised to find out that there are numerous resources right in their local community or outlying areas to help with drug addiction. Most users and family members feel alone when they’re going through this situation. They believe no one understands so nobody can help them. The truth is they don’t have to face this problem on their own.
You’ll find a variety of drug addiction treatment and recovery programs in Emmett and other communities. There are outpatient rehab facilities, inpatient treatment and sober living homes for those who are battling a drug addiction. Every program isn’t right for each person, which is why there are options. For some, an outpatient rehab may be the best choice, especially if they have work or family commitments.
With outpatient drug treatment, you go to the facility for therapy once or twice a week or more often if necessary. You may spend an hour or longer before returning home or to work. Many of these programs allow flexible scheduling and therapy times outside normal hours to accommodate your schedule. You can even find programs open on the weekend.
Intensive outpatient rehab provides more support than traditional outpatient programs. The addict will spend more time in therapy, usually 2 or 3 hours at a time several days a week. Some programs even last all day with the person going home at night. You can compare programs around the Boise area to determine which one offers the best schedule and plan for your situation.
Inpatient programs provide a place for the user to stay while they seek treatment. They usually go to some type of therapy every day and live in the center in their own room or one they share with other recovering addicts. They often attend individual counseling and group therapy to help them overcome addiction. They may also need medications or other treatment for a mental health condition, which makes the person more susceptible to drug abuse.
Inpatient programs offer a lot of advantages for addicts who are beginning recovery. They have a safe place to stay that won’t encourage them to relapse. They can seek out treatment with therapy and other resources with a helpful staff whenever they’re feeling weak. Addicts won’t be around triggers until they’ve learned how to handle them. For instance, friends who are abusing drugs or drinking or even stressful situations that lead to drug or alcohol abuse can be triggers they need to avoid for the time being.
The main disadvantage with inpatient rehab has been the cost. However, since many insurance providers cover drug rehab now, this is no longer a problem. People can get the help they need right in Emmett and surrounding communities without worrying how they will pay for it.
Low-Cost Government Aid for Addiction Resources
Most people put off getting information about how they can recover from addiction because they’re worried about how much it will cost to get help. The Affordable Care Act and other recent healthcare laws have made it possible for anyone to get addiction treatment. Many times, you only need to pay a small co-pay or the entire program may be paid by the insurance company. Visit SAMHSA.gov for more information about free resources and financial aid opportunities that are available for you.
Why Go Out of State for Drug Treatment?
You may want to consider inpatient drug treatment even if you aren’t from Emmett or the surrounding area. Going out of state can allow you to focus on your recovery without other distractions to get in the way. It also enables you to enjoy a higher level of privacy. You won’t know other patients in the facility or in therapy sessions.
There’s also less likelihood that you’ll leave treatment before it’s complete when you go out of state. You’re farther from home and you don’t have the resources to find someone to give you a ride or take you in. It may motivate you to work harder to finish the program since you may not feel there are any other options.
It can give you a sense of a fresh start by going to an out-of-state rehab. You aren’t reminded of old triggers, especially if you get involved in community programs. Sometimes new scenery can inspire you to believe in yourself and what you’re capable of doing.
Mental Health Treatment in Idaho: Promise Has the Answer
The Promise Program offers outpatient mental health services to people who need them in Emmett, Idaho. Some of the services we provide there include:
- Trauma therapy
- Experiential activities
- Mental health education
- Weekly individual counseling sessions
- Twice-weekly psychiatric and medication management sessions.
Learn More About Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Resources in Emmett, Idaho
At Northpoint Recovery, we want to do everything we can to support people’s recovery. Do you have questions about the mental health or addiction recovery resources in Emmett, Idaho? Please contact us.
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