Detox and Rehab for Prescription Medication Abuse and Addiction in Idaho
Prescription medication addiction and abuse continue to be serious problems in Idaho.
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These drugs can be very dangerous when they are abused, and professional treatment is often needed to help people stop. The reason they carry so many risks is because people tend to see prescription drugs as being safe; at least safer than street drugs. If anything, that perception makes them even more dangerous.
There are some prescription medications that are known to be addictive, such as Oxycodone and Vicodin. But there are others that people may not realize can be abused. Many of these drugs have warnings on the bottles, but not all of them do. This is one of the main reasons why when someone gets addicted to a prescription medication, they are often surprised.
It is important for people to understand the dangers of prescription medications. Abusing them often leads to addiction, and at that point, detox and rehab may be the only way out. No one should ever feel as though they have to recover on their own. The right treatment can make the healing process much easier, and it can also make it last last long-term.

What are Prescription Medications?
Prescription medications are drugs that are doctors prescribe to treat a number of different medical conditions. In most cases, the person who is receiving the prescription really needs the medicine. But taking it too long, or taking it in higher doses than the instructions indicate is representative of abuse. Many of these medications can have the same effects of street drugs when they are abused. The negative consequences that can result are often just as serious too.
Some of the more common addictive prescription drugs include:
- Dexadrine
- Luvox
- Biphetamine
- Paxil
- Concerta
- Strattera
- Sonata
- Darvocet
- Ambien
- Lunesta
- Adderall
- Codeine
- Ritalin
Are You Addicted to Prescription Medications? Symptoms and Behaviors
Because an addiction to prescription drugs can happen accidentally, and because people tend to think of them as safe, it’s normal to be unsure as to whether or not you’re really addicted to them. However, there are many different prescription medication addiction behaviors you can look for within yourself or a loved one to determine if an addiction to them is probable, and these might include:
- Continual requests for refills from doctors
- Multiple doctor visits for refills
- Breaking or crushing pills
- Stealing prescription medications from others
- Taking the medications more often than prescribed
- Stealing prescription pads and forging prescriptions
- Ordering prescription drugs online
As far as prescription drug addiction symptoms go, this type of addiction can also be identified by observing the following physical indicators:
- Severe and noticeable mood swings
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Irritability or rage
- An increase in alcohol consumption
- Anxiety or depression
If you’ve been taking prescription medications, and you’ve noticed any of the above, it’s safe to say that an addiction has formed. If that’s the case, it’s time to seek out professional help so that you can avoid any long term medical consequences.
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Verify InsurancePrescription Medication Abuse and How Addiction Can Occur
A prescription medication addiction is different from abuse. However, it’s difficult to say where the line is drawn. From the moment prescription medications are taken outside of the prescribed guidelines, it becomes abuse. This often happens without the person knowing because the body can easily become tolerant to prescribed dosages if the medications are taken for a long enough period of time. Once tolerance starts to form, it’s easy to take note of the fact that the drugs aren’t having the same effects that they once did. To compensate, more of the drug will be taken, or people may add an additional dose during the day.
This pattern tends to continue, and as it does, an addiction to prescription drugs is certain to form unless something is done to stop it.
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Northpoint Recovery is a state of the art, comfortable and modern inpatient detox and drug rehab facility designed to help our clients get the help they need to overcome addiction.

The Scope of Prescription Drug Abuse in Idaho
The opioid crisis has been in the spotlight for a few years now, and for good reason. It has done nothing but ravage Idaho communities for a long time. But there are several types of drug problems that need to be dealt with before they also become epidemics.
Consider the following statistics:
- 120 people die from prescription painkiller overdoses every single day in our country.
- Each hour, there is one baby born who is suffering from opioid withdrawal.
- In more than half of the states in the U.S. more people die from drug overdoses than car crashes.
- By 2010, seven times more people received treatment for opioid addiction than they did in 1999.
- Idaho ranks at #4 for the non-medical use of prescription painkillers.
- 20% of Idaho teens have used a prescription medication without having a prescription.
- According to SAMHSA, someone dies from prescription drug abuse every 45 hours in Idaho.
Prescription Medication Withdrawal Symptoms
Because the prescription drug category includes such a wide variety of drugs that are all used to treat specific ailments, injuries and illnesses, it’s easy to understand how the withdrawal symptoms might vary when you stop taking them. Perhaps you’ve only recently discovered that you’ve become addicted to a prescription drug, and because that thought scares you, you’ve decided to simply stop taking it and go off it cold turkey. This is probably the most common response once an addiction to prescription drugs is suspected. However, doing so can have some pretty serious consequences. More often than not, people find that they’re not able to manage their prescription medication withdrawal symptoms, which leads to them either going back on their medications, or choosing another avenue of drug use in order to find relief from them.
Some common prescription medication withdrawal symptoms may include:
- A sudden onset of tremors
- Sweating or chills
- Intense cravings for prescription drugs, or other drugs
- Nausea and vomiting
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Hallucinations and/or delusions
- Digestive issues, including diarrhea
- Difficulties with sleeping
Many people don’t realize that they have the option of getting professional help when they’ve become addicted to prescription medications. However, a prescription medication addiction treatment center can guide you on the best way to stop taking them to lessen the severity of your withdrawal.
Finding the Best Treatment in Idaho for Prescription Medication Addiction
There are so many people who are addicted to prescription medications in Idaho. Many of them do not know what they need to do to stop using. Professional treatment is the solution they are looking for.
The best drug rehab programs offer individual treatment plans for their patients. This ensures that the patient receives only the services they need. There are two main forms of treatment that are often necessary for someone who is addicted to prescription drugs; detox and rehab.
The drug detoxification process helps with recovery by removing toxins from the body. It can help people get through withdrawal symptoms faster, and some of the more common ones may even be eliminated.
When a person receives prescription drug detox, they will receive a course of treatment that aligns with their drug of choice. For instance, someone who is addicted to prescription opioids will most likely be recommended for medication-assisted treatment.
Drug rehab is the step following detox, and it is just as important in the recovery process. Rehabilitation involves many forms of therapy. Patients meet with their own therapist for individual sessions, participate in group therapy and much more.
During drug rehab, it is important for the patient to receive treatment for any co-occurring disorders. It is vital to treat any mental health condition that could be contributing to the substance abuse problem.
Northpoint Recovery’s 28-Day Drug Addiction Recovery Program
At Northpoint Recovery, we offer a 28-day rehab program for those who are serious about recovering. We have worked with many patients who suffered from prescription drug addictions. We know how hard it can be to recover, which is why our treatment plans are so comprehensive.
We offer both detox and rehab services under the same roof. This makes for a seamless transition from one form of care to the other. We are always careful to treat all co-occurring disorders because dual diagnosis treatment lowers the chance of relapsing.
Learn More About Prescription Medication Addiction, Abuse, Detox and Rehab in Idaho
At Northpoint Recovery, we want our patients to know that we care about their long-term success. It can be so challenging to recover from a prescription medication addiction because these drugs are highly addictive. Our staff members are very experienced in the best way to provide support to our patients. By giving them personalized attention and care, they have the opportunity to leave substance abuse behind for good.
Are you or someone you love addicted to prescription medications? You are not alone, nor should you have to face recovery alone. Together, we can forge ahead and work on making changes in your life so you can be victorious.
Do you need to know more about prescription medication abuse and addiction? Do you have questions about our Idaho drug treatment facility? Please contact us.

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