Some drugs make people feel like they are on top of the world with laser-sharp focus. That is, at least, until they quickly come crashing…
Addiction is one of the most isolating diseases that people can experience. Cycling through the stages of abuse, tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal is taxing on…
Extreme highs and lows often interrupt the daily lives of people with bipolar disorder. That’s how many people discuss and perceive the condition, often thinking…
Substance abuse can very easily begin as seemingly harmless self-medication to help get over nervousness. Maybe a few drinks to take the edge off before…
Music surrounds everyone. Sometimes it’s the star player in a musician’s life, providing a powerful creative outlet leading to works of art, other times, it…
Heroin overdose deaths increased more than 533% between 2002 and 2016, which remains one of the most concerning heroin facts for people who struggle with…
You may haven’t taken it seriously the first time you heard it. After all, how can a choice someone makes, like abusing drugs or alcohol,…
Millions of people in the U.S. reach out for some drug or alcohol rehab. Their treatment options can vary greatly depending on their history of…
Cocaine: Identification Through Testing, Sensory IDYou may have seen movies or TV shows where a cop licks their forefinger, takes a practiced swipe with it…
“If I smoke pot Saturday, will it show up on a drug screen Wednesday?” This question is probably at the forefront of many minds when…