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9 Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

A casual party can quickly turn into a night of heavy drinking. With beer and liquor flowing, it can be easy to lose track of the number of drinks and become severely drunk. Recognizing the signs of alcohol poisoning is essential and can even help save a life.

If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol abuse, learn to recognize the signs of alcohol poisoning before it is too late. At Northpoint Recovery, our personalized alcohol detox and rehab plans help you break the cycle of addiction. Contact our team at 888.296.8976 today to get started.

Alcohol Abuse in America

More than 15 million adults in America struggle with alcohol abuse or dependence. Additionally, more than 80,000 people die from alcohol-related causes yearly in the United States.

Binge drinking is a severe problem in the U.S., especially among young adults. Binge drinking is defined as four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men within two hours. People who binge drink are more likely to suffer from alcohol poisoning than those who don’t.

What Is Alcohol Poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning occurs when there is so much alcohol in the bloodstream that the person experiences serious health risks. The symptoms of alcohol poisoning can include the following:

  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Coma
  • Difficulty breathing

As a person drinks, their blood alcohol level (BAC) rises. Elevated BAC levels will lead to various stages of impairment and alcohol poisoning signs. In the first stage, they will feel relaxed, and their judgment, self-control, and coordination are slightly impaired. When their BAC is between 0.09 and 0.25%, they will feel dazed and confused, right on the edge of alcohol poisoning.

After their BAC exceeds 0.25%, they are at a high risk of passing out and severe consequences of alcohol poisoning. Continuing to drink after reaching this stage could lead to coma or death.

9 Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning carries serious health risks. Recognizing the symptoms of alcohol poisoning is vital.

1. Mental Confusion

Heavy drinking can cause a person to become confused and lose their sense of direction and recognition. This can continue into the next day since blackouts are more likely to occur when poisoned by alcohol.

2. Stupor

Once alcohol poisoning sets in, people may not react to sounds, smells, sights, or touches. Getting them to respond can take considerable effort, even if they are in danger.

3. Alcoholic Coma

A coma resulting from alcohol poisoning requires immediate medical attention. Underlying problems or injuries can easily lead to a coma after a person drinks too much.

4. Vomiting

As the body tries to get rid of the alcohol poisoning the body, a person may vomit repeatedly. Since they may have difficulty moving around or reacting, there is an increased risk of choking on their vomit.

5. Seizures

Alcohol-induced seizures are a medical emergency with the same common signs as other seizures, including muscle stiffness, convulsion, loss of consciousness, and bowel and bladder control.

6. Slowed Breathing

Heavy drinking affects the amount of nitric oxide in the lungs, which helps to maintain normal breathing. Once a person takes less than eight breaths per minute, their breathing is slowed.

7. Irregular Breathing

It can be challenging for someone affected by alcohol poisoning to catch their breath or take regular breaths. Not breathing correctly can be disastrous since they may not get enough oxygen.

8. Hypothermia

Alcohol lowers the body’s core temperature, putting people at risk of hypothermia. Additionally, intoxicated people may feel warm because their blood pressure is elevated.

9. Rash Recovery

Since blood vessels are expanded by heavy drinking, many people dealing with alcohol poisoning may develop a rash. Rashes can also stem from an alcohol intolerance or allergy, which can cause extreme itching, stomach problems, and trouble breathing.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Northpoint Recovery

If you struggle to quit drinking, you are at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning. Finding professional help can be the step you need to succeed in breaking your tie to alcohol. Start your journey today by contacting our team at 888.296.8976.