Watch the American Girl Heroin Commercial Online
What Do You Think of the 2016 Heroin Commercial?
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This American Heroin Girl commercial/PSA will supposedly run during the Big Game this Sunday. According to online information, Big Game ads run an average of $4.5 million for a 30 second spot. This PSA is 60 seconds long, meaning it could cost $9 Million each time it's played on Sunday.
There are a few questions that come to mind knowing the cost of the heroin commercial and who it is targeting. We would love to hear your opinion on if you think this #Heroin PSA will be effective and worth the money or if you think funds like this could be used differently to bring awareness to the heroin epidemic in our country.
Want more information on the heroin epidemic in America? America's Heroin Problem Video. History of Heroin. What Makes Heroin So Addictive?
Update: The All American - Heroin Super Bowl Commercial was aired in 2016, and it caused quite a stir. Many people were angered, and they made their feelings known. But what a lot of people didn't know that this commercial was a sequel to last year's NCADA's anti-heroin commercial.
The Super Bowl commercial about heroin use from 2015 was shocking and upsetting. This concerned the NCADA, but it also gave them hope. It showed that people were actually listening enough to respond. The impact of the commercial was so strong, and they felt that they needed to produce a sequel.
The first commercial was aimed toward parents. The second anti-heroin advertisement was aimed toward young people using heroin.
2015 Super Bowl XLIX Anti-Heroin Commercial
Most people would agree that an anti-heroin commercial and the Super Bowl really don't go together. On the other hand, how else do you find such a big audience? Every year, millions of people tune in to see the game. It is the biggest televised event of the year. Statistically speaking, many of those people are probably battling drug addiction. For those who aren't, they likely know someone who is.
The 2015 commercial about heroin that ran during the Super Bowl in St. Louis was run purposefully. The goal was to raise awareness about the prescription painkiller and heroin problem in the city.
In the St. Louis area, close to 2,300 young people have died from heroin since 2007. This is an eye-opening statistic. Still, the ad raised some eyebrows. Some thought that it was a commercial that didn't need to be made.
The heroin commercial featured a song playing a folksy rhythm and lyrics talking about heroin addiction. In the ad, a young man overdoses on heroin and his mother finds him lying on his bed, unconscious. It's a stark reality that many would rather not face.
Even so, it is a reality that must be faced. Millions of dollars were spent on these Super Bowl ads. The NCADA believes that every dime is money that's well spent.
This is Your Brain on Drugs
Most people remember the line, "This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" It's a line from the famous anti-drug public service announcement that ran in the 80s.
This is Your Brain on Drugs was an anti-drug campaign that launched in 1987. It was spearheaded by Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
The first ad they ran featured a man holding up an egg. He explains that your brain is the egg. Then he shows a frying pan and says that it represents drugs. He cracks the egg into the frying pan, and of course, it begins to cook. He explains that this was your brain on drugs.
It seems logical enough. However, considering the fact that the drug problem in the U.S. has only grown, one has to wonder if it was effective.
Over the years, additional PSAs were made, depicting basically the same idea. They made it clear that the brain and the body react poorly on drugs. Drugs can wreak havoc in your life, and this has been covered in commercials time and time again.
This is Your Brain on Heroin
In 1997, there was another famous anti-heroin PSA.
Rachael Leigh Cook is the actress in this commercial, and it was instrumental in launching her acting career.
The anti-heroin advertisement was remade in 2017. This time it had a bit of a different twist. You can watch it here:
The second video is quite a bit different from the first, don't you think? It's a topic that's certainly worth digging into a bit deeper.
Attacking the War on Drugs
In her second video, Cook talks about the War on Drugs. Our nation has been in this "war" for years, and yet, the problem still continues to get worse. This is something that many would say is being largely ignored.
Are we wasting time, money and effort in this so-called War on Drugs that doesn't get results? Some would say that we are. Cook says that this "war," "…fuels mass incarceration...targets people of color in greater numbers than their white counterparts. It cripples communities. It costs billions and it doesn't work."
She ends the video by asking the infamous, "Any questions?" Yes, this video sparks many questions, but few answers.
The War on Drugs has set laws and policies in place that aren't doing much to help our communities. They're designed to influence young people away from using drugs. However, when it comes down to it, they are ineffective. They also harbor on discrimination.
Someone who is caught with a small amount of marijuana in some states can end up with a hefty prison sentence. This endangers any future job opportunities they might have. It also makes it difficult for them to complete an education. It hinders the development of successful communities all across the United States.
The fact that people of color are targeted has done nothing more than fuel the racial tensions of our country. This is a fire that has needed to be put out a long time ago. It seems that with the War on Drugs still in full swing, it may never be extinguished.
Some believe that the War on Drugs is a hopeless cause. Others think that it was lost from the moment it was first declared.
What do you think?
The REAL "War on Drugs" Should be a Personal One
The War on Drugs sounds like a good thing, but it hasn't turned out good at all. The real War on Drugs starts with each, individual person. It's about letting people know that there is help available for them if they have drug addictions. All the legislation in the world isn't going to change our country's current drug problem. We've proven time and time again that this method simply does not work.
The question is, what does work? Many would say that these Super Bowl ads are one effective way. Yes, they made me angry, but they also caused people to think. The goal was to raise awareness, and that goal was certainly reached.
Another way is simply to let people know about what their options are for drug treatment. That's something we always try to do here at Northpoint Recovery.
Preventing a Drug Addiction
Drug addiction can be prevented. This is not a problem that has run so rampant that proper measures can't be put in place to stop it. There are many things that you can do encourage people to stay away from drugs. You can:
- Talk with your children about the dangers of drugs, if you're a parent
- If you're young, refuse to spend time with people who use drugs
- Join forces with organizations like the NCADA and help spread awareness about the dangers of drugs
- Stay involved in activities where drug use isn't common or accepted
- Be bold about your stance against drugs if you are ever asked or invited to use them
The real War on Drugs starts in homes, schools, and with individuals. It starts in families and communities. If the war is redefined, it is a war that can be won.
Are You Addicted to Drugs? Consider Drug Rehab
You may be in a situation right now where you're fighting a drug addiction. It might be something that you've tried hard to keep a secret from the people you love. It might be something you've dealt with for years. No matter what your personal situation is, you need to know that you can get help. Recovery is possible, and thousands of people are successful with it every single year.
Drug rehab offers you the ability to take the time away from your daily life and focus on recovery. Your drug addiction may be something you thought you had control over. However, drugs can take that control away from you very quickly.
You may even be addicted without realizing it. To find out for sure, take a drug addiction quiz, which can give you some answers and insight.
If you do have a drug addiction, professional help is the answer you're looking for. It's so important for you to not ignore this problem. Drug addiction never goes away on its own. It actually only gets worse as time goes by.
What are your thoughts on these Super Bowl heroin commercials? Do they make you think differently about drug addiction? We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please leave us a comment below.
If you have questions about drug rehab, or you need to arrange to get help, we want to hear from you. There's no need for you to continue to suffer in silence. Contact us today.