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Alcohol Addiction Quiz: Are You an Alcoholic?

20 Question Alcoholism Addiction Quiz: Take the Test

Taking an alcoholism quiz can help you get the information you need. Below, you’ll find 20 questions regarding your drinking behaviors. If you answer yes to any of the questions, mark the box next to the question. If your answer is no, leave the box blank.

Alcoholism Addiction Quiz

Addiction & Alcoholism Assessment Test

Are you an alcoholic? This is the question that thousands of Americans ask themselves every single day. Maybe you’ve had friends or relatives tell you that you had a drinking problem. Some of them may have even told you to go to alcohol rehab.

Still Not Convinced? Take the Am I an Alcoholic Self-Test

The above quiz was pretty thorough. However, it's possible that you still don't believe that you're an alcoholic. This quiz from the NCADD can give you even more clarity into your situation. Try taking it to find out what your score is.

Do You Have Any Symptoms of Alcoholism?

Sometimes it's not enough to take a quiz to get the answers you're looking for. Maybe it would help you to see a list of some common alcoholism symptoms. It's possible to live in denial for years before ever realizing you need to get help. It is our hope that this doesn't happen to you.

You may be an alcoholic if you have any of the following:

  • You want to stop drinking, but you just can't.
  • You've found that the amounts of alcohol you used to drink aren't enough now. You need to drink more to get drunk.
  • When you quit drinking, you begin to go through withdrawal.
  • You seem to spend a lot of time either getting alcohol, drinking it, or recovering from being drunk.
  • You no longer participate in some of your favorite activities because you'd rather drink.
  • Important relationships to you have been placed on the backburner of your life.
  • You continue to drink even though you're suffering from health challenges because of it.
  • You stay drunk for long periods of time.
  • You need to have alcohol almost as soon as you wake up every day.
  • You've tried changing the type of alcohol you drink to keep yourself from getting drunk.
  • You feel guilty when you drink too much.
  • You find yourself obsessing over making sure you have enough alcohol in the house.
  • You try to hide your drinking from the people you love.
  • Before going out to events, you have a few drinks to calm your nerves.
  • You're showing some of the physical signs of alcoholism.

The reality is that most of the time, people think that they're abusing alcohol. What they don't realize is how quickly their abuse can become a much more serious problem. If you can relate to even one of the items on the above list, you most likely are an alcoholic. There's no need to panic if you find out you have alcoholism. What's important is that you know that you can get help to quit drinking.

Freedom Begins With Alcohol Detox

Most people find that they need to go through a detoxification process when they quit drinking. Depending on how long you've been an alcoholic, there are a lot of toxins built up in your body. Alcohol detox is going to help you flush those toxins out. This is important for a few reasons. It's going to make you feel better faster. It's also going to help you avoid any potential complications that can arise when you quit drinking.

There are several forms of detox that can be prescribed for you. Usually, detoxification programs prefer a mix between holistic and medical detox methods.

MAT (medication assisted treatment) is a newer form of detoxing that has shown great promise. Various medications can be given to alcoholics to help reduce the severity of withdrawal. Vivitrol is an example of one of the more commonly used drugs.

Choose Alcoholism Rehab to Help You Reach Your Sobriety Goals

The purpose of detox is to help with the physical side of your addiction to alcohol. Rehab will help with the psychological side of it. As your body has grown accustomed to drinking, your mind has come to believe that you need to. In fact, for many alcoholics, they believe that they can't cope with their lives without alcohol.

This is a big problem, and it's not one that's easy to overcome. This is why you need to go to alcohol rehab. While you're there, you'll learn more about yourself and your addiction. You'll find out why you started drinking and why it progressed into alcoholism. At that point, you'll be able to heal from the root cause of the issue.

Talk to a Rehab Specialist

Our admissions coordinators are here to help you get started with treatment the right way. They'll verify your health insurance, help set up travel arrangements, and make sure your transition into treatment is smooth and hassle-free.

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