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The Profile of a Crack Addict: About Crack Addiction

The Profile of a Crack Addict: What Does a Crack Addiction Look Like?

Once you understand the profile of a crack addict, it's easier to identify the addiction.

Perhaps you believe that you might be addicted to crack. It's a drug that you only meant to try a few times. Before you knew it, you were unable to stop using it. It's also possible that you're concerned about a family member who may be using crack. Regardless of your situation, this is one addiction that needs to be understood.

If you or your loved one have a crack addiction, there's something you can do to get help. Crack rehab is available for those with addictions. Getting the right kind of treatment is the best way to arrest this addiction. Because a crack addiction can be so powerful, it's important to find the right facility to treat it.

How is a Crack Addiction Defined?

There are many reasons why people start using crack. Sometimes they begin using because they're curious. They have usually used other drugs in the past, and they're looking for a better high. A crack addiction can happen very quickly. Even so, it's common for people to be addicted to crack cocaine and not realize it.

That might be the situation you're facing right now. You may suspect that you have an addiction. However, you also feel as though it's under your control.

If you have a crack addiction, you feel as though you need the drug. You may depend on it to get you through your day. You may feel incomplete without it. When you stop using crack cocaine, you experience serious withdrawal symptoms. These are all signs of a crack addiction.

How is Crack Abuse Defined?

Crack abuse is very different from crack addiction. Many times, these two terms are confused or they're used interchangeably. They are not the same at all. An addiction and substance abuse are two distinct problems all their own.

Any use of crack at all is crack abuse. Even the first use of crack cocaine is crack abuse because it is an illegal substance. However, just because someone is abusing crack, that doesn't mean they're addicted.

Crack abuse indicates that the individual is not feeling a need to use. He or she may be using because they want to, and for no other reason. Not using crack causes no ill effects or withdrawal symptoms.

There is no way to tell how long someone can abuse crack without becoming addicted to it. Crack abuse can lead to addiction within the first few times of use for some people. For others, it can take much longer. It is vital for you to understand that if you are abusing crack, an addiction can happen anytime.

Are You Addicted to Crack? Take a Quiz and Find Out

Maybe you feel like crack has become a really important part of your life. You're not sure if you experience cravings for it, but you're concerned. You never meant to become addicted to crack cocaine, but now you need to know if you are. If this is the case, taking a crack cocaine addiction quiz can help you. This quiz will give you a lot of great information about your crack use patterns and habits. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of these behaviors.

If you have a family member who may be addicted to crack, you're looking for answers as well. You can take a family member addiction quiz to get some help. You'll be able to identify certain behaviors and physical addiction symptoms. This quiz will also advise you about what you can do to help.

Physical Signs of Crack Addiction Described

Sometimes it's not always easy to notice the physical symptoms of crack addiction in loved ones. Even so, the physical symptoms are often most apparent in crack addicts themselves. There are many different, distinct symptoms of crack addiction that you can look for. These include:

Frequent Nosebleeds

Just like those who use cocaine, crack can also lead to nosebleeds. This occurs because when the drug is smoked, it can greatly irritate the nasal passages. This can cause bleeding. Further problems are usually experienced when the areas in the nose scab over. They can bleed as well, if they become irritated. Nosebleeds can be spontaneous when they occur.

Trouble Sleeping at Night

Crack is a stimulant drug. That means that it can keep people up all night long. This is even true if they use earlier in the day and the effects have mostly worn off. Crack addicts will frequently complain of insomnia. They may have other sleep problems as well, such as nightmares and restless legs.

Dilated Pupils

If you're addicted to crack cocaine, you most likely have dilated pupils. This happens because the drug stimulates the central nervous system in the body. When this occurs, the pupils automatically dilate. This is an excellent sign to look for in a loved one because it's not able to be controlled.

Additionally, crack addicts will often develop redness in their eyes too.

Increased Heart Rate

The stimulant effects of crack cocaine frequently lead to an increase in heart rate. Blood pressure levels can also spike in crack addicts. This can be very dangerous. It's often experienced as a racing heart, and it can continue for several hours.

Weight Loss and No Appetite

Crack's stimulant effects can cause addicts to not have an appetite at all. When they do get hungry, many times they will “feed” their hunger with more drugs.

As a result of not having much of an appetite, weight loss is to be expected. It's not uncommon for people to lose weight very quickly when they're addicted to crack.

Psychological Symptoms of Crack Addiction Explained

If you're worried about a loved one's possible crack addiction, it helps to take a look at the behavioral signs. Crack addicts generally have certain behavior patterns. They may even become predictable after some time has passed. Have you noticed any of the following:

Obsessive Thoughts About Using

People who are addicted to crack think about it all the time. These thoughts are persistent, and nothing can make them go away. The high they experience is short-lived. As soon as it passes, they immediately start thinking about using again. It's hard for most crack addicts to keep these thoughts to themselves at times.


The euphoria that accompanies crack use is quite intense. Sometimes, it can be accompanied by visual or auditory hallucinations. These hallucinations can be very disturbing when they occur. They can even take place after the initial high has passed.


Paranoia is another common sign of a crack addiction. The addict may start to believe that people are watching him, or his house. He may suspect people are listening in on his phone calls. These paranoid feelings can persist for quite some time.

Experiencing Mood Swings

Crack addicts frequently have severe mood swings. They may be happy one minute and violently angry the next. This can make living with a crack addict very difficult. It can even be dangerous in some situations.

Aggressive Behaviors

Crack cocaine is a drug that can make people do terrible things. Sometimes addicts will become aggressive. They will often take their frustrations out on the ones who are closest to them. Out of love, many family members choose to look the other way, and they live in denial.

Continuing to Smoke Crack Regardless of the Consequences

Crack cocaine addicts are not very concerned about the consequences of their continued drug use. They aren't worried about finances, or about getting into legal trouble. Even if they visit the doctor and find that they have serious medical problems, that doesn't deter them.

Common Medical Problems Associated with Crack Addicts

The longer a crack addict continues to use, the more risks are involved. Crack can cause a number of medical problems, which should be taken very seriously. These can include:

  • Heart disease and other heart problems
  • Problems with breathing
  • The onset of seizures
  • Getting a disease, such as HIV
  • Malnutrition due to not eating
  • The onset of psychosis
  • Depression or anxiety

As was previously stated, most crack addicts aren't worried about consequences. They are living in the moment, and it's not easy for them to ask for help. To them, crack addiction is their life.

Does Your Addicted Family Member Need an Intervention?

Perhaps you've noticed many of the above behaviors and physical signs of a crack addiction. You had your suspicions before, but now you know something is wrong. It's important for you to know how to proceed.

The first thing you should think about doing is getting help for yourself. It's beneficial to find a therapist who will talk with you about what you're going through.

Also, Al-Anon is an organization that you should consider joining. They have support groups for families of addicts. These groups are filled with people who are just like you. They're facing similar circumstances in their own lives. They may be able to offer you support and guidance.

Once you have support, you may want to start by talking with your loved one about the addiction. Let him or her know that you know it's happening. Talk about your concerns and do so with love. You must be firm, and you must be ready for an argument and a lot of denial.

If talking doesn't work, an intervention should be your next step. Interventions have helped thousands of people get into drug treatment. It can work for your family member too. The intervention will be held by a professional in the addiction treatment field. This person will guide you through the process. You'll get advice and coaching about what you should say.

Your loved one's friends and family will also be invited to join in. The more people are there showing their support, the more successful the intervention will be. You may be surprised to notice how emotional your family member gets during this meeting. It's moving to see that so many people care about you and want you to get help. There will even be an opportunity for him or her to immediately go to treatment afterwards.

Crack Treatment Offers Hope to Addicts for Recovery

Maybe you've been using crack cocaine for years, or perhaps it's only been a few months. Either way, based on the above information, you know you have an addiction. This is a serious problem for you, and you need to get help right away.

Fortunately, you don't have to continue to suffer in your addiction. You also don't have to worry about recovering from it alone. Crack addiction treatment offers you hope for a successful recovery.

It's so important for you to know how to choose the best drug rehab facility. There are certain qualities that you will want to look for. These include:

  • Finding a modern rehab center that offers the most up to date treatment methods
  • Finding a program that offers patients their own, unique treatment plans
  • Finding a drug rehab that has the proper accreditation
  • Finding a drug treatment center that has a low population at all times
  • Finding a crack rehab that will work with your health insurance provider

Here at Northpoint Recovery, you'll find all of the above when you work with us. We understand how serious your crack addiction is. We're also dedicated to helping you recover from it. It's not easy to make a decision to go to drug rehab. However, if you fit the above signs and symptoms, it's certainly something that you need to do.

Are you ready to change your life for the better through crack treatment? Do you fit the criteria for the profile of a crack addict? If so, please contact us. We'll help you get started with your recovery right away.